Q: Do I have to be Black and LGBTQ+ to join?

A: Anyone is welcome to come to meetings!

Q: How old is this org?

A: This org is very new, founded in April 2018.

Q: Do I have to pay any dues or fees to join?

A: No, joining and attending meetings is free!

Q: Are there opportunities for leadership?

A: Yes, the org is still currently looking for officers. Also, there are planned events throughout the year that will need coordinators and volunteers. Also, this org is very flexible in meeting structure. If you tell me (Harold), the President, a week in advance that you want to lead a discussion or present on something, I'll make sure you get time to do so.

Q: Are there t-shirts for the org?

A: Working on it!

Q: Will there be food at meetings?

A: At the first few meetings, I'll definitely try to bring food!

Q: What if I'm the officer in another org that wants to hold joint events with Black, Queer, and Here?

A: Email blackqueerhere@gmail.com with name of the organization, name of officer to contact, and best way to contact. BQH would love to work closely with other orgs!

Q: What if I can't make the meetings but want to still know what's been going on?

A: There will be a weekly newsletter and notes from each meeting, so you'll know when big events, socials, etc. are happening. You can also always email blackqueerhere@gmail.com if you have any questions about anything.